My family loves almond milk and I've been making it for a few months, changing things here and there from my original recipe and making it perfect. Now it's time to share it!
Almond milk is a healthy alternative to dairy milk, and is just as creamy and delicious (more so, actually!). Having cut a lot of dairy from my diet a few months ago due to sensitivity, I have learned to become very creative and open to various options - many of them a lot kinder to my digestion, and absolutely delicious.
So, with 4 simple ingredients and a step-by-step guide give it a go and tell me what you think!
2 cups raw almonds, soaked in cold water for 8 hours or overnight
3 pitted dates (I like medjool dates, they tend to blend better)
2 tsp vanilla extract (not essence! the alcohol in it will make the milk grainy)
5 - 6 cups filtered water (depending on how thick and creamy you like it)
Starting with 2 cups of almonds, you will end up with approximately 3 cups after soaking I like to add double the amount of water to nuts (so about 6 cups).
Drain and rinse the almonds, then place them in your blender. Add the water, pitted dates and vanilla extract. Blend at high speed for about a minute.
Now, the secret to the creamiest, smoothest milk is a nut milk bag (usually available from health food stores or online) or a sprouting bag, both of which give excellent results. Pour the blended milk into your bag (make sure you have a bowl beneath) and gently massage the bag to strain the milk through.
Transfer to a jug and keep in the fridge for up to 3 days. You will need to give a stir every now and again before you drink it. My 2-year old is a reformed milk addict, and she loves it. It is delicious in all receipes where you'd like to substitute dairy milk, but it is especially good poured over my granola, or drunk chilled from the fridge. Enjoy!
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